Saturday, October 4, 2014

Torre Pellice - 9/27/14

Hi there!

Sadly I don't have much time today, but I wanted to at least write something. I've written every week of my mission, why stop now?!

Today we went with Pres. & Sister Dibb + the Assistants + the office couple (the Harmer's, who are super awesome people) to Torre Pellice, near the border of France. That's the place where the Church officially started in Italy. Lorenzo Snow dedicated the country there for the preaching of the Gospel in 1850 and then over 100 years later Ezra Taft Benson did the same thing. If you look at the picture, you'll see a mountain in the back and then a little to the left you'll see a rock jutting out a bit. On the rock is where they prayed that the hearts of the Italian people would be open to receiving the Gospel and that the missionaries would be led to those who were ready. We wanted to do the same thing. We drove as far as we could and then started hiking. We went through some trails, over a stream, down a pasture of sheep, and then we got to a much steeper trail cut up through the mountain. My knee couldn't make it any further, so I stayed down with a few others while three the Assistants and my companion forged their way up to the top. They couldn't quite make it up to the rock because of a wrong turn, but they got to a spot overlooking the valley. They called us (we were amazed that they still had reception up there) and we participated in the prayer down below. It was a very memorable experience.

Other than that, it was back to the old grind. Transfers are over, so things were much more "tranquile" this week.

OH! Cool announcement made in church last week. The Milan West stake will soon be organizing the first single's ward in Italy! So. Cool. Basically what a single's ward is is a congregation made up of entirely young single adults from 18-30 years old. This allows them to be in an environment of people their age and have leadership responsibilities and be around people their own age with their same standards. I'm so excited about it. they want to involve the other Milan stake too and they would form their own ward and meet every Sunday. Hopefully they'll even put a few missionaries there too. That would be an awesome assignment. It's a good opportunity for missionary work too because it's an environment in which the young people don't feel afraid to bring their friends. I'm excited to see the realization of this and I'm lucky to be serving in Milano and see it all happen firsthand!

Have a wonderful fantastic week everyone! Love, Anziano Simcox.

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