Tuesday, August 5, 2014

It's that time of week again! (Plus a few days). - August 2,2014

So yah, it's Saturday, not Wednesday...

Over the past week I've been subject to what is known as a space-transfer! It's when President calls you unexpectedly and transfers you to a different place. I'm now working in the mission office. I got the call Saturday morning and by Sunday evening I was already in Milano learning the ropes. I only spent four weeks in Varese! It was pretty unexpected. I was assuming I'd stay in Varese for a few months at least. Anyway, here I am. I'm the office Elder now. President has nicknamed me the "mission clerk." Basically I'm in charge of the utilities for all of the mission's apartments. I deal with filling out the contracts, opening new ones, closing finished ones, etc. I have to call the landlords, real estate agencies, energy companies, etc. to make sure that everything works the way it should. If there are problems, I have to fix them. Also I'm in charge of making sure that all of the missionaries get the supplies they need. And I sort the mail. Basically, I'm the mission middleman. I really enjoy it though. The first few days were really stressful. I felt decently inadequate. I don't know how to do this stuff in English, let alone Italian. The Elder whose place I'm taking has done a really good job training me though, so I feel much more confident now.

I don't have a whole lot more to write about. That's basically been my life.

Lately I've just been thinking about the importance of having a testimony and the difference it can make in one's lives. I've been realizing lately the effect that a belief in Jesus Christ and His teachings can have in someone's life. The Gospel was given to prepare us for the life to come. That's for sure. However, it was also given to us to bless our present lives and to help us live NOW. It has a real and powerful effect in our lives NOW when we apply it. It's like putting together a puzzle. Some people try to put together the puzzle without looking at the picture on the box. They have no purpose and they have no clue what they are trying to create. Instead, those who look at the box first (the Gospel) understand what the end result of the puzzle should be. They have a clear goal in mind. They may occasionally find pieces that seem strange or seem like they don't fit, but they know what the end product is and step by step they put it together.

That was just a little thought I had throughout this week. Pay attention in your lives to how looking at that picture on the box helps you.

All my love, Anziano Simcox.

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